Tuesday 30 April 2013

Vintage Christian Dior Rhinestone Jewelry Design

Vintage Christian Dior Rhinestone Jewellery Designs,Necklace  Sets, Jewelry Design,Jewellery,,Imitation jewellery manufacturer,fashionVintage Christian Dior Rhinestone necklaces.

Monday 29 April 2013

Beauty Tips For Natural Skin Care

A healthy skin is sign of good and active body and skin care is important in order to live a healthy life. Also, skin is the biggest organ of the human body and one of the first defenses we have against external elements, diseases and other ailments.Don't have time for intensive skin care? Pamper yourself with the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Get started with these seven no-nonsense tips.

Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washings, or special sun-protective clothing — which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.

Drink at least 12 cups of filtered (I only recommend reverse osmosis), re-mineralized water daily, preferably away from food for optimal absorption. Remember the skin is the largest organ and needs to be hydrated. Coffee, alcohol and caffeinated beverages dehydrate the skin, so increase your water intake if you consume these.

Puree 1 cucumber in a blender, drain and collect the juice. Add 2 teaspoons of honey into the juice and mix. Pour the mixture into a bottle. Apply on the face and neck area with a cotton pad in the morning and at night. Air dry it and rinse clean. Store the bottle covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Milk has natural moisturizer, massage with milk to keep your skin smooth.

The lemon egg protector is also quite good. You will certainly find this one to be very good for your skin. Just Whip an egg white and wait unless it whips up. After that you keep it in freezer for 20 minutes. Then apply this on your skin. It will certainly make your body skin quite smooth.

Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with long sleeves and pants. Wear a brimmed hat, and sun glasses. Look for protective clothing that is designed to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays.

Use natural organic skin care makeup. Many prominent makeup brands use a formula that will clog pores and cause acne. Be sure to use all natural makeup or better yet... no makeup at all.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Hands tips

Let the scrub stay on your hands for 10-15 minutes.
Take tomato juice, glycerin and lime juice in equal proportions and apply this paste on your hands every night.
Wash your hands with mild soap.
Apply lemon juice and honey in equal quantities to get fair hands .
Cut a sour apple in half and rub your hands with it, let it work for a few minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.
Protect your hands by wearing gloves while washing dishes, gardening and performing housework or yard work. This prevents hands from aging in the sun or bruising. Wearing an SPF can also prevent sun damage while outdoors.
Use a soft towel to pat dry your hands.
Wash off the hand scrub with lukewarm water.
Again use soft towel to pat your hands dry.
Take some moisturizer in your palm and massage it into your hands skin making rotational movements.
Use this scrub twice a week for best results.Don’t use this scrub if you have some allergic problems from any of these ingredients.

Home Made Mask for Hands:
Papaya - Half cup
Pineapple - Half cup
Avocado - Half cup
Honey 4 tablespoons
Bran 1 cup
 Make a paste out of the above ingredients and apply till elbows for hands and ankles for feet. Wash after it gets dried up. This helps to get soft and supple skin.


Tips for healthy hair growth

    1Brush your hair before you shower. No matter what your hair texture is, taking sixty seconds to detangle strands can keep them sturdy. ...