Saturday, 9 April 2022

Information about acne

Millions of people spend hundreds of dollars
each year on skin creams and other medicines that promise to keep your skin clear of acne. No one wants to look in the mirror and see a big ugly pimple but the sad truth is it has happened to everyone at one point in his or her lives. 
However, one pimple does not always mean that you have acne. Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples mostly on the face, forehead, chest, shoulders and upper back.Acne is very common. In fact, research estimates that 9.5 percent people worldwide have acne.Acne can be found almost anywhere on your body, but you’ll most commonly notice breakouts on your👉face and neck👉back👉shoulders👉chest. It is important to know which type of acne that you have in order to get the correct treatment.

Tips for healthy hair growth

    1Brush your hair before you shower. No matter what your hair texture is, taking sixty seconds to detangle strands can keep them sturdy. ...